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Ever wondered what plugins other WordPress developers use? While not all of these are used on every site, here is my current list of “Go To” plugins and a little about them:

  1. Advanced Custom Fields – We usually only need for ecommerce sites but comes in handy quite a bit and allows you to introduce logic ranging from simple to very complex
  2. Classic Editor – Anyone who uses WPBakery (either standalone or bundled with a theme) should install this and set their default editor to Classic Editor
  3. Custom Post Type UI – If you don’t know what register_post_type() does, this is for you
  4. Duplicate Page – A real time saver if you need to make several copies of a certain post type
  5. Gravity Forms (Paid) – In my opinion the best form creator for WordPress. There are also several add-ons that allow all sorts of very robust integrations. The ability to save form submissions to the database and Twilio integrations are almost always a must have for my clients
  6. Imagify – My pick for image compression
  7. Templatera (Paid) – Want reusable code? Again, totally worth it instead of updating any number of posts or pages that may have a banner or some common component
  8. WooCommerce – Used any time a client wants to sell anything online
  9. Wordfence Security – A software firewall to protect against spammers and hackers. 2FA is my favorite feature
  10. WP Mail SMTP (Paid) – For clients who are serious about email marketing and want analytics, history, etc.
  11. WP Rocket – Caching plugin with other upgrade options available like CDN
  12. Yoast SEO – An excellent plugin that makes SEO super simple
[Developers Only]
I usually only activate these plugins as they are needed
  1. Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode & Landing Pages by SeedProd – Obviously only necessary if you are working on a new site and don’t want prying eyes but still need it publicly available for users with logins
  2. Debug Bar – Debugging tool from Add-ons listed below
  3. Debug Bar Extender
  4. Debug Bar Console
  5. Debug Bar Cron
  6. Debug Bar Post Meta
  7. Debug Bar Post Types
  8. Debug Bar Super Globals
  9. Query Monitor
  10. Query Monitor Extend
  11. Query Monitor: Included files
  12. User Role Editor – Useful when working with 3rd party plugins
  13. User Switching – Does what the name implies
  14. WordPress Admin Style – Helps you design admin pages that look right at home
  15. WP Activity Log – SEE EVERYTHING that happens on your site. Not recommended on a production site due to the overhead but very helpful when developing/troubleshooting
  16. WP Activity Log for WooCommerce – See previous comment, but for WooCommerce
  17. WP Console – Execute code right in the browser. And another personal favorite, view the log file!
  18. WP Crontrol

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