::first-letter is another nice pseudo element which allows you to style the first letter in an element without needing to use additional HTML such as a tag. This method works…
Adding a line under text is generally done with basic text underline formatting. However, it doesn't allow you to add any margin or padding between the text and line. This…
There are so many different methods when targeting elements in CSS. The most widely used are the class "." and id "#" selectors. Sometimes you may need to target based…
When linking a telephone number on your website using the a href tag you will notice inconstant styles from mobile devices. For example on a desktop or laptop the number…
While developing and making updates to a website you sometimes cannot see the changes in real-time. Even if you're not running any caching mechanisms the browser itself will still cache…
After creating another post on absolute position footers we decided to add a quick post on how to create a sticky footer. html{ position: relative; min-height:100%; } body{ margin:0 0…
Last week we wrote a blog post on how to disable right click functionality on an entire website. Since then we've had a few requests on how you would apply…
This is an example of how to disable right clicking on a website using JavaScript and Bootstrap. You could leave Bootstrap off completely and use the basic alert functionality, but…