WooCommerce has a great plugin for categorizing your products at the brand level called WooCommerce Brands. It helps you group your products by their brand and assigns the correct schema…
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Ever wondered how to count the number of words in one of your WordPress posts? Out of the box WordPress doesn't include a function to do this, but it's not…
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MailChimp allows you to create sign up forms with their builder, but they can be a pain to style and for some don't allow enough customization. The following code is…
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I need to grab the data from the "enclosure" tag from the following feed: https://queryfeed.net/twitter?q=%40CabosNews&title-type=user-name-both&geocode= In the example, you can modify the "enclosure" field to any of the fields you…
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With PHP 5 they introduced the DateTime class. Prior to that everyone used strtotime, date, etc...commands to achieve the same results. I was a late adopter and continued to use…
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The PHP function strtok splits a string one by one. In the example below I'm trying to split off everything after the ? in the URL. https://www.facebook.com/LiquidWebInc?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/CocaColaUnitedStates?brand_redir=1 In PHP…
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This will be a walk-through on how to create a submit form that checks the database to make sure the username is not taken. If it is taken it will…
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Quick example of how to use PHP's parse_str command. Here is an example of my data: $source = "access_token=CAAWhyYsjaWsBAOCwjZCs&expires=5180531"; What I'm trying to do is just grab the string of…
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This is the first in what will end up being a several part tutorial on creating a Twitter posting program. These tutorials will show how to create the bot using…
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A simple example of how to take a date and change it's format using PHP. August, 3 2015 to YYYY-MM-DD Easily done with the below code: $old_date = 'August 3,…
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